Integrated Pest Management
Identification and Monitoring
– Noxious/invasive plant surveys on federal, state, county, city and private lands
– Collection of spatial, quantitative and qualitative data for clients
– Advise clients on recommended best practices

Herbicide Control
– Spot spraying with UTVs and backpack sprayers
– Broadcast treatments (pre and post emergent)
– Bare ground treatment
– Right of Way
– Cut stump, basal bark, hack and squirt
Mechanical Control
– Chainsaws/brushcutting
– Mowing
– Hand tools
Cultural Control
– Seeding/Plantings/Reclamation
– Prescribes grazing
– Public outreach/education
Biological Control
– Use of approved insects, bacteria and fungi
Monitoring and Reporting
– Site inspecting to monitor efficacy and success
– Preparation of final reporting to meet requirements of client
Other Vegetation Management Services
-Noxious/invasive plant survey, inventory and mapping
-Thinning/fuels reduction projects
-Native plant seeding and mulching
-Reclamation activities
-6×6 UTVs w/ 100 gallon spray rigs
-Firminator G-3 Disc/Cultipacker/Seeder
-Straw Crimper
-4ft Harrow
-UTV mounted broadcast seeder
-110 gallon truck spray rig
-250/500 gallon water tanks
-Jacto backpack sprayers
-Stihl MS 261 chainsaws
-Stihl FS 460 clearing saws
-Various trailers and trucks for hauling equipment
Vegetation Management Services Portfolio
Browse three examples of recent successfully completed regulatory compliance projects.
McDowell Sonoran Preserve Herbicide Treatment Project
EnviroSystems currently holds a 3-year on call contract with the City of Scottsdale, Arizona to perform backpack herbicide treatments within the 30,000-acre McDowell Sonoran Preserve for buffelgrass and fountain grass. Project areas range in size from 15-250 acres, include both front country and back country areas, and occur on slopes varying from 0-60% slopes. Due to the density of the target species and remote nature of the work, water for mixing is transported to the site via helicopter. Crews hike out all other gear and herbicides for mixing. EnviroSystems utilizes GPS units to collect track logs of each herbicide applicator to help ensure the entire project area is covered appropriately.
The Arboretum at Flagstaff Invasive Plant Grant Project
In 2021 and 2022 EnviroSystems completed herbicide treatments for noxious weeds on city and private lands around Flagstaff, AZ. Envirosystems selected an herbicide mix best suited for the target species and treatments were completed using UTVs and backpack sprayers. After two years of treatments EnviroSystems designed a seeding strategy for areas where noxious weeds were treated. This process included conducting surveys to select sites where seeding would be most appropriate and recommending the best technique for each site depending on soil conditions and existing vegetation. Envirosystems seeded approximately 60 acres with a native grass seed mix.
Agua Fria National Monument Tamarisk Cut Stump Projects
For the past three years (2020-2022) EnviroSystems has been working with the BLM Agua Fria National Monument to control tamarisk (saltcedar) along the Agua Fria riparian corridor and its tributaries. In total EnviroSystems has treated 400 of acres of riparian area using the cut stump method. For each project EnviroSystems staffed a crew of up to six people to perform treatments. Treatments were performed using a mixture of hand tools, chainsaws, and brush saws. Project areas were accessible by foot only. Work crews camped near the project area and transported all equipment and supplies to the project area by foot. All tamarisk were cut as close to the ground as possible and the stumps were immediately treated with an appropriate herbicide. All woody debris was cut to lengths of approximately four feet and scattered. Locations of tamarisk were recorded and converted to GIS shapefiles for use during the re-treatment effort.