23 East Fine Avenue, Flagstaff, Arizona 86001

ESMpr Plays Vital Role in Prescott Utility Upgrades

Environmental Consulting and Regulatory Compliance

ESMpr is proud to play an important role in the City of Prescott effort to improve its water utility infrastructure. This initiative seeks to accommodate community build-out capacity, possible future fire flow needs, and maintain the high quality municipal water service. ESMpr is currently working in various water pressure zones to gather community input from affected residents and businesses to be considered in design.

ESMpr is utilized on construction phases to keep affected residents informed and help resolve any issues that may arise. These infrastructure improvement projects incorporate public input into design, which ensures construction meets the public needs.

Viewshed and landscape preservation, cultural resource mitigation, and community cohesiveness are issues that have been addressed and overcome through this extensive public participation process. Citizens were encouraged to weigh in on these critical issues in a process that ensures their voice is heard. To accomplish this, ESMpr has hosted a series of public meetings for various improvement initiatives, compiled a complete Public Record of public comments and concerns, and documented all context-sensitive responses to public inquiry. For each project, ESMpr provides a complete Public Record of all issues and how they were considered by the design team to the City of Prescott City Council, giving them the opportunity to make decisions regarding utility system upgrades with a clear mandate from the public.